North end of Casey?
At the end of the 635m into Weed Lake?
Pags wrote:
At the end of the 635m into Weed Lake?
There we go. You got it!
Lol I dropped some hints on the Mary Jane Lake / Pot Lake / High Lake thread.
That lake access isn't always 'good'. Back in 2005, the lake was much lower. This photo was taken from right in front of the portage sign!
And this was the "access" to the actual lake ...
Barry it was so mucky and shallow (and guaranteed to sink up to my thighs) I opted to bushwhack through the forest on the right in my image. Still ended up with wet feet, but not muddy wet feet.
I found a faint trail so I definitely wasn't the first one to do it. At this point they might as well just re-route the damn portage.
IanTendy wrote:
'Your last name is pronounced Al-Gar, right?'
'oooooookkkaaaayyyy... Waynnnnnnne?’
So many good 1 liners in that movie.
Peek, that day I was basecamped on McCraney and was hoping to daytrip explore to Islet Lake. However, the muddy conditions at the Weed Lake put-in forced me to cut my daytrip short.
I was there 2 years ago in spring and there was just enough water to skim atop the mud. No pictures to share at the moment, so someone please jump in!