I've been thinking about a loop for a little while, can't make up my mind on it.
Tim Lake - Rosebary
Rosebary - Mubwayaka via a long walk on a 3400 meter carry
Mubwayaka-north to one of the three campsites on the 7 small lake stretch to Tim Lake (probably stay on Papukiwis)
Papukiwis - Tim Lake - out.
My trips are generally 4 days, and I think this would work for that. Going from Mubwayaka to Tim Lake is basically a long walk with a few paddle strokes thrown in (and I double carry). I did the 3400 meter from Rosebary to David Creek last year (in the other direction), so that's also a long walk, a bit uphill in this direction, but nothing crazy. I've been curious about that stretch from Mubwayaka to Tim Lake for a while. Anybody have any insight? I'm kind of curious if those lakes are lakes or swamps or? Every portage on the route is low maintenance, that's kind of unique.
Last time I was in the area I spoke to a father-daughter boat who was coming up from that way. They said it was nothing special. Couple blow-downs, but not an intense route. This was back in 2017, so I can't speak for how great it is now, but if it were me and I was on Mubwayaka I would probably take the Tim back.