Hope everyone is doing well, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in sharing some 3-4 night loops for fishing/backcountry camping in Algonquin park. Iv'e gone on over a dozen portaging trips in Algonquin park and will like to share some of my success stories with others, and receive some good fishing loops/locations as well. Obviously a public forum is not the best place, so we can direct message as well. I think it would be cool to share some top catches (in Algonquin Park) as well.
Here are mine,
Small mouth (3.8 lbs)
Lake trout (6.5 lbs)
Brook Trout (2lbs)
Channel Cat fish (4.5 lbs)
Walleye (5.5lbs)
Perch (.5lbs)
Pike (3lbs)
Fall fish (1lb)