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6/22/2021 8:26 pm  #1

Otterslide Lake

Hi Everyone,

I'm planning a trip for mid July with a group of friends (4 of us in total). We are heading out from Canoe Lake and heading up through the Joe Lakes, past Burnt Island Lake, and camping on Otterslide Lake for 3 nights. I have done routes in this area in the past, however we need to make it to Otterslide on the first day. What should we expect as a rough timeline for how long this would take from Canoe to Otterslide. We are all experienced paddlers and planning on getting to our site asap on the first day.

Thanks in advance for any input


6/22/2021 8:44 pm  #2

Re: Otterslide Lake

Will you be single carrying or double carrying portages? Depending on wind conditions, how often you take breaks etc., you should aim for 6-9hrs (on the longer end if you're double carrying). I find the time estimates on Jeff's Map are pretty accurate.

I did it solo last year, with double-carrying portages, and it took 9hrs during a windy/rainy day.

Trip Reports & Campsite Pictures

6/22/2021 8:54 pm  #3

Re: Otterslide Lake

We will be single carrying all Portages for sure. Depending on the weather, as you said, should be doable in the day. That is great info to know (even if it is approximate).


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6/23/2021 3:21 pm  #4

Re: Otterslide Lake

If your are an experienced single-carrrying party you should be able to get as far as Big Trout lake in one longish day, weather permitting.  All portages are very well-traveled and flat and so is the water .

Last edited by EddyTurn (6/23/2021 3:22 pm)


6/23/2021 7:22 pm  #5

Re: Otterslide Lake

Thanks for that! Also helpful to know!


     Thread Starter

6/24/2021 7:18 am  #6

Re: Otterslide Lake

you can shorten your time by skipping or shortening your portaging time if there's enough water if you're not adverse to wading. You can avoid all but the last few metres of the Canoe- Joe portage by paddling up the channel to the dam for instance, same with Joe to L Joe (watch for spikes in the old log flume)


7/07/2021 10:36 pm  #7

Re: Otterslide Lake

Just got back doing that exact route , I made it to Otterslide in 5.5 hours . No wind and great paddling conditions. For reference I was solo , singled carried paddling a pack boat.  Hope that helps , have a great trip.


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