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4/29/2021 9:32 pm  #1

WIA #473

Trip Reports & Campsite Pictures

4/29/2021 9:38 pm  #2

Re: WIA #473

Daisy Lake


4/29/2021 9:53 pm  #3

Re: WIA #473

Not Daisy

Trip Reports & Campsite Pictures
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4/30/2021 7:32 am  #4

Re: WIA #473

At the risk of repeating myself. . . . . . . . .  Parkside Bay??? 
It really does look like the view from a site I stayed on a number of years ago


4/30/2021 8:49 am  #5

Re: WIA #473

Not Parkside Bay

Trip Reports & Campsite Pictures
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4/30/2021 11:57 am  #6

Re: WIA #473



4/30/2021 1:43 pm  #7

Re: WIA #473

Not David.

Parkside Bay is the closest guess so far

Trip Reports & Campsite Pictures
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5/02/2021 11:03 am  #8

Re: WIA #473

Big porcupine, narrows at the north end of the lake?


5/02/2021 11:34 am  #9

Re: WIA #473

Not Big Porc

First clue, it's north of 60

Trip Reports & Campsite Pictures
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5/02/2021 12:08 pm  #10

Re: WIA #473

Burnt island.


5/02/2021 6:10 pm  #11

Re: WIA #473

Not Burnt Island.

Burnt Island and Big Porcupine are approximately the same distance away

Trip Reports & Campsite Pictures
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5/03/2021 12:23 pm  #12

Re: WIA #473

Sproule lake. #2 I think??

Last edited by Shayne74 (5/03/2021 12:23 pm)


5/03/2021 12:48 pm  #13

Re: WIA #473

You've got it. I have the same pic up on my website: (just a different version / different edit)

Trip Reports & Campsite Pictures
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5/03/2021 2:02 pm  #14

Re: WIA #473

Awesome.  Was through there a few years back on a Meanest Link Leg from Opeongo. Nice area.


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