Not McGarvey..
Let's narrow it down a little more..
This lake is north of the hunting boarder for the pan handle, and South of Highway 60.
End of Little Coon Portage into Big Porcupine?
Tripper, based on the random places in AP you visit (email coming) I'd be surprised if you've never crossed this lake.
It's a lake a lot of people look at (presumably) but I doubt many people actually see from the ground.
"Look at" on a map, or actually see in some other way than "from the ground"?
Edit: I'm going to guess Hilly.
Last edited by DanPM (1/22/2016 12:18 pm)
Ah true, sorry, wasn't trying to be cryptic. I meant many people probably look at on the map, but likely don't see first hand.
Not Hilly.
I thought Minkey was guessed already?
I want to say Mildred, but I'm not sure that meets the "along a canoe route" clue...
And so it was. Didn't even check. I mean what are the odds someone else guessed Minkey lake :-)
Little Galipo
Edit : scratch that. Wouldn't be looking north east.
Last edited by ShawnD (1/22/2016 12:47 pm)
Ugh, I missed the northeast clue. Scratch my guess as well.
Not Mildred or South Galipo..
Where the heck is Mildred Lake? Is that an autocorrect error (like when I replied to the Minkey guess, my phone assumed I meant Mikey)
Nope, Mildred Lake isn't an autocorrect creation. It's a small lake that drains over a couple of beaver dams into Pondweed, which itself is an appendage of Louisa. If everyone who's been to Louisa is like me, they've all said "I'm totally gonna get my canoe into Mildred" and then not done it. But it's off the official route, and as such there's no portage landing that faces northeast into it.
Ok if it's not Plough I give up..
I don't think Whatnot has been guessed? Though its lower neighbour has...
It's not Plough or Whatnot.
So a quick recap..
- It's a lake (not pond/marsh).
- Facing north-east(ish).
- Photo taken from a portage take-out / put-in.
- It's along a canoe route.
- It's south of HWY 60.
- It's north of the pan handle hunting limits.
......and one more new clue.....
Low Maintenance.