I'm planning a 4 day trip through Barron Canyon, with two nights spent on Stratton and one night on one of the campsites listed as "Cascades - Barron River." I haven't been able to find any information or pictures of those two sites. Has anyone had any experience with them? We're going with a 9-year old and a 5-year old, so I was a bit worried about booking sites on the Barron River or Brigham Lake given the number of portages necessary to get there within a day. Am I better off staying at the Cascades sites, or changing the reservation to Barron/Brigham Lake for that last night? Thanks.
I've been avoiding your post because I hate giving route and campsite advice; I have no idea what your skill level is or what you're capable of. But no one else is answering and you're getting bad advice on myCCR (or just bad memory).
The first portage out of High Falls Lake does not end in a short steep bit so I'm not sure where that comment comes from. However, the end of the portage from St. Andrews Lake into High Falls Lake does end in a short steep bit.
If you're choosing between the two campsite at the Cascades, I would choose the second one (the downstream one). But the reality is that if it's busy, you're pretty well forced to take the first one if it's empty. If you gamble on the second one and it's occupied, then it would not be fun doubling back upstream.
Brigham Lake is only one portage farther than the second Cascades campsite and that portage is probably the smoothest of all the portages along that stretch of the River.
I think there is a reason why most people travel via Opalescent Lake and if you can get reservation on Opalescent Lake, I think that would be preferable. However, I don't really want to express an opinion about the suitability of the portage from Opalescent to Brigham for a 5 and 9 year old. All of the portages in this section of the Park are rough -- rocky with lots of ups and downs.
Thanks for your thoughtful reply rgcmce- it's much appreciated. As for skill level, my wife is a great canoeist (canoer?) and while my J-stroke is not the best, I can paddle from the bow pretty well. This is our 4th year going with kids- last year we did a loop of Canoe--> Burnt Island --> Sunbeam --> Tom Thomson --> Canoe over 4 days. There were a lot of small portages that we did in the rain, similar to the route over the Cascades I believe.
Any further thoughts on the route given the above info would be great. Thanks again.
rgcmce wrote:
All of the portages in this section of the Park are rough -- rocky with lots of ups and downs.
Echoed sentiment. Along with the landings the whole area sucks for footing
Let me add a few more random thoughts:
Although the portage out of High Falls Lake down the Barron doesn't end in a steep section, it is not a nice portage -- you're tip toeing through the boulder garden. The portage out of High Falls Lake to Ooze Lake is quite fine.
You can't compare the portages in the Canoe Lake area to those on the east side. The east side portages are much rougher.
If you haven't found this reference in your internet searches, take a look
It doesn't cover the route through the Cascades in any detail and it could do with updating, but the rocks and routes haven't changed and you may find it useful.
I don't know what more I can add but if you have specific questions that have an objective answer I'll try answering. But I want to avoid telling you what you should or shouldn't do.
Makes perfect sense. Thanks again.