For those from the US who have been harboring hopes of an ice out trip....might want to reconsider that. Border is closed for non-essential traffic as of today. it would be kind of hard to sit there with a canoe on top of the car trying to convince customs that a canoe trip is essential travel, even though we all know it obviously is.
I had really hoped for both a Spring and Fall trip this year. Maybe that just means a longer Fall trip.....
Family self-quarantined anyway. Kids had indirect contact to somebody who tested positive. We're all fine, we're being overcautious about it really. In spite of watching our life's savings get cut in half at a time when we are trying to prep for college tuition, I am working from home and we're kind of enjoying reconnecting.
But I wanna plan a spring trip so bad. For the next little while I'll have to live vicariously off of other people's trip reports - so have some great trips, see lots of great things and take lots of great photos!
I will just sit here and pout.