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2/20/2020 9:00 am  #1

Start your trip planning for an early ice out date?

Don't know about Whitney or Algonquin, but Ottawa has been very mild and for the next 14 days, the forecast is for multiple days in the plus 0C range.  Start preparing for an early ice out date?  According to Wiarton Willie, he also agrees for an early spring.  And you know that Willie is rarely wrong!  Right?

Last edited by boknows (2/20/2020 9:16 am)


2/20/2020 5:45 pm  #2

Re: Start your trip planning for an early ice out date?

I agree.
We are for sure due for an early spring and this winter we have not gotten nearly as much snow/cold as normal. Even up as far as Englehart the snow levels aren't what they should be at this time of year. Crappy year for snowmobiling unfortunately - still not enough snow for good off trail riding in the North Bay area.
The coming 14 days look very nice weather wise with a bit of snow but mild temperatures.
I think we may see a mid April ice out this year.
Lake Nipissing is pretty sketchy this winter as well, only 18 or so inches of ice still and crazy pressure cracks from the temperature fluctuations. 

Last edited by ATVenture (2/20/2020 5:46 pm)


3/07/2020 12:55 pm  #3

Re: Start your trip planning for an early ice out date?

Just checked the two week forecast, there are periods of above freezing overnight temperatures. Could this year be an early (before May) ice out? Fingers crossed, I have been disappointed in the past few years. 



3/08/2020 6:13 pm  #4

Re: Start your trip planning for an early ice out date?

I'll be back up to the cottage next weekend and can give an ice update then. I'm not expecting the ice to have melted much by then but I am expecting a lot less snow than we had last weekend. Last weekend we were up to the knees in snow and slush on top of the ice. Last time we drilled a water hole we figured it was over 18" of ice and maybe as much as 24". 

Based on the last few years the deciding factor is more likely to be early April overnight temperatures than anything happening now. 


3/09/2020 9:20 am  #5

Re: Start your trip planning for an early ice out date?

Here are a couple of anecdotal reports that support the "early ice-out" theory. Or at least, ice-out before the end of April.

A local resort owner on Oxtongue Lake drilled several holes and measured ice thickness on Thursday of last week. He reports that ice thickness on Oxtongue Lake is about half of what it was at the same time last year. Oxtongue Lake typically opens up a week or so ahead of lakes along Hwy 60 in the park.

Some Cache Lake cottagers, who are also local residents, crossed Cache on skis last week and drilled a few holes. Their report: "We skied in last Tuesday to check out the ice. Since it was ok we have come in for a few days. Hot weather coming will mean a shorter trip. On the lake we measured 5” snow then a minor crust which is good for skiing, then 9.75” slush slush slush with 8.75” white ice and 6.25” black ice. Not too bad. Not too good. "

So there you go.

Last edited by AO_GordB (3/09/2020 9:23 am)


3/12/2020 8:19 pm  #6

Re: Start your trip planning for an early ice out date?

Got my annual trip with my college buddies planned for the end of May on Little Eagle Lake.  We’ve stayed there once before and absolutely loved it.  I missed last years trip because my wife and I had our first child.  Cannot wait for this trip, not being in Algonquin all last season was not an easy thing to go through!


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