Not allot of anything to be found online regarding Baden Powell Lake and Scout Cairn. 4 of us thinking of possibly making the pilgrimage this summer and spend a few nights on Sunbeam. I know water levels can cause issues but any other info out there? Anyone been there?
I paddled to Sunbeam via Vanishing pond a few years back. It was the fall and the water was JUST high enough to navigate the marshy areas with quite a few beaver dam pullovers. I remember being on the lookout for the off shoot to Baden Powell but never really clearly identifying it.
Would be a fun explore but be ready to slog through the marsh quite a bit. Hopefully someone else has more recent intel.
My Daughter and I went looking for Baden Powell last spring. It was the Victoria Day long weekend and the water was high. However, was never able to determine the location of the small channel to Baden Powell.
I came through the area a few years ago mid June. I was with another group and didnt really pay much attention but the water levels were ok at that time. This time, four old boyscouts will be on a quest of sorts. Ihave no doubts. As long as vanishing pond hasn't vanished.