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12/19/2019 11:53 am  #18

Re: Gear Upgrading

MooseWhizzer Dave wrote:

  (By the way, I saw a woman two years ago portaging a canoe with no painter and her hands at her sides.  The most perfectly balanced canoe I've ever seen.  I was soooo envious.)     

I can count on one hand how many times I have accomplished this and it always feels like Such A Huge Success! Never lasts more than 100 meters though. Def need to finally get a painter tied in this year. 


12/19/2019 5:17 pm  #19

Re: Gear Upgrading

CanoeClaire wrote:

I'll have to get some of those for my father in law. He always spends a seemingly inordinate amount of time arrange hats and socks on his shoulders to maximize comfort when portaging. Your standard yoke pads for contoured yokes don't seem to meet his needs. Keep us posted if you hear about them releasing anything. 

Replacing a yoke isn't that difficult. And it's not very costly either considering comfort-to-cost ratio.


Board footera

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