Perhaps Bob might chime in, but here's a trip log he published:
You can put in/take out at Basin Depot, or at Stringers Lake, though Stringers might have some water level issues at the put-in?
It might also be possible to put in in Sligo, but I've never took any time to check since I doubt that'd be viable for more than a day trip (in terms of parking).
Thanks for the info....I'd be putting in at one spot and likely walking back along the road to get back to wherever I park. Might be one of those "wait and see what I can find when I get up" there kind of things
Steve E wrote:
Thanks for the info....I'd be putting in at one spot and likely walking back along the road to get back to wherever I park. Might be one of those "wait and see what I can find when I get up" there kind of things
Oh, my favorite way to get into trouble!
(Teaser...Cache/Madawaska/Head, 2nd attempt - What could go wrong? TR when time allows)