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8/19/2019 12:30 pm  #1

Tim R - Queer to Shippagew - Low water?

Hey all, 

I am planning to head from Queer to Shippagew in 2 weeks and am getting concerned about water levels.  Obviously lower water is common at this time of year but if anyone has been through the area recently and has any feedback I would love to hear about it.  

Disclaimer: I don't mind getting my feet wet but would like to spend at least some time in the boat. 



8/21/2019 7:59 am  #2

Re: Tim R - Queer to Shippagew - Low water?

Hi MIke,
Was through the Tim River between Access Point 2 and the portage down to Shah in middle July.
From what I've noted and remember, the water levels were low but no poling was needed at the time. The bugs were very nasty and the meandering nature of the Tim is quite frustrating at times. The water levels were notably low based on the shorelines and we traversed 4ish beaver dams between Rosebary and the Shah Lake Portage.

Cheers and enjoy your trip.


Board footera