I'm heading in through the Brent access point in a few days. I have a loop trip booked, on the move every day as I usually am, but I'm seriously considering doing something I've never done - setting up camp and just staying there. I'm feeling lazy and the bugs are reportedly insane.
If you were going to spend four nights on Cedar, with the main goals being good swimming and as much exposure to the wind as possible, where would you be?
you gotta talk to jake at the outfitters,, he will tell you where to go!!! l.o.l.
Uppa, there are some nice sites on the eastern islands, and one in particular on the big island to the right of the "L" on Jeff's map looked nice as we paddled by. People were swimming and muxing about, so it appeared to be good for swimming. Also, the prevailing wind should be blowing across the big and wondrous lake, so maybe the bugs will be bearable? We stayed on the site north of the big island, which had a fantastic beach so that is an option for your swimming, but there was a bit of a swamp behind the site and the bugs got bad even on our August trip.
good luck!
The island site at the far East end (#6 on the pci map) is great bug-wise, swimming was passable.
Thanks folks. I'm heading for Brent tomorrow morning and I still don't know if I'm going to stick with my trip plan or just laze around on Cedar. Will likely be a gametime decision!