What's Islet Lake like as far as staying overnight goes? I'm thinking of doing an overnight trip there this summer, in from Rain, down through Mcraney and over by way of the Weed/way lakes, then back up through Hot Lake and Rain. Is Islet worth staying on? I'm also going to be coming from fairly close by and was wondering about doing it as a day trip if Islet isn't anything special. Any particularly difficult parts on that route that would make it harder than it seems on the map?
I was there 4 years ago. Easy to get into and out of by Hot lake, and the sites were great. Fishing was easy if you're into bass. All around it was pretty and I would say worth the visit.
Here is a triplog from the area, Islet starts at about 10 minutes in:
Pictures and a written log are here:
Back in July of 2005 I day-tripped from McCraney Lake, hoping to get to Islet Lake. I got to what was supposed to be the end of the portage to Weed Lake. A long narrow channel headed east to Weed Lake proper. Only trouble was there was no water in the channel. I left the canoe at the beginning of the channel and walked toward the water alongside the channel. There was a mucky mud-flat between the 'land' and the water. Glad I didn't bother hauling the canoe through the side-of-channel growth.
I would agree with Ian. I've read horror stories about the route you're talking about, the Hot route is not bad. That bass fishing is nice on Islet, it is a pretty one, and there are some nice sites as well, but I think you'd want to be a little picky about which site you select.
Island site on Islet kicks ass.
It can be a bit of a nasty end of the park to be in during the heat and humid times i find