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4/09/2019 3:22 pm  #1

Suggestions on a 4 day trip with decent fishing

Looking to do a 4 day backcountry trip later in May with my two boys, 13 and 15. I have a 16 foot prospector. Don't mind portaging; want to get in deep enough that the spec and laker fishing is good. Would like to travel 1, maybe 1.5 days in, and the same coming out. The other 2 days, camp in one spot and just fish.

Not looking for river fishing, did that last year. Want some decent lake fishing for spec and lakers. Not looking for trophies, just average size, and steady action. And, I know everything depends on weather, water temp, whether they're feeding, etc. I don't mind getting skunked because of Mother Nature, as long as I'm in a spot that usually has decent action.

Any suggestions appreciated. And for those of you looking to go in for a longer trip and looking for fishing advice, I can share tips from my 7 day trip last year.



4/09/2019 9:46 pm  #2

Re: Suggestions on a 4 day trip with decent fishing

You should check out Louisa Lake. I have never stayed on the lake, just passed through and caught two small lakers. Nice site on the south point, quite spacious. Never made it down to the east end of the lake, but there appeared to be some nice sites and islands. We went in through Cache, down the Madawaska and stayed on Lawrence. You could also go in through Rock Lake through Welcome, Harry which I have heard are decent fishing lakes, but there are some decent portage lengths there.

Have a good spring trip!


4/09/2019 10:47 pm  #3

Re: Suggestions on a 4 day trip with decent fishing

Thanks bud! Haven't been down that way so looks really interesting.


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4/10/2019 10:00 am  #4

Re: Suggestions on a 4 day trip with decent fishing

Evan, did you return up the Madawaska? If so, how was the current going upstream?

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4/10/2019 10:09 am  #5

Re: Suggestions on a 4 day trip with decent fishing

We actually pushed on through North Grace, McGarvey, Porcupine, Ragged etc back to Cache on a 4 day trip. 
If you want to see the trip here is a link to Day 1 of the trip,
I have posted the other three days as well, with Louisa being on Day 2.

The current did not seem to be very strong on the Madawaska, so it would not be a horrible paddle back up. You can also get back to Cache by taking the Head Lake to Cache Lake portage to save some time.

Hope it helps!


4/12/2019 11:57 am  #6

Re: Suggestions on a 4 day trip with decent fishing

Two options that fit the bill - both predominantly lake destinations but there is some swift water in the vicinity that is productive - your boys may not have as reasonable of a reaction as you to a fickle mother nature withholding success :

1.  One long day or a day and a half to get to Red Pine Bay - you can do day trips in Burntroot, LaMuir and Big Trout as well as a little bit of river access (getting totally skunked, regardless of mother nature or skills is a bummer with kids so a bit of jigging in rapids can erase the goose-eggs from the tally).
2.  Lake Lavieille - loop it in through Big Crow or in/out via the Dickson-Bonfield to test your mettle but few large Algonquin lakes have the catch rate per rod hour of Lavieille with the chance of latching into something huge as well.  You can also work one of the streams or inlet/outlet river as a day trip destination just to mix it up a little.

You can private message me for a few tips for each area.


4/14/2019 9:52 am  #7

Re: Suggestions on a 4 day trip with decent fishing

Thx PaPaddler. Got into Burntroot with my oldest last year. Amazing lake. Might try to get back.

Laveille and Dickson... tried that with my boys 4 years ago - HUGE mistake. One of those "never live it down, dad" mistakes. Bit off more than we could chew, and smack dab in the middle of bug season. And I ended up with a torn subscapularis muscle to boot. So every trip from then on, they ask me: dad, it's not going to be another trip from hell, is it? 


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