I see that the cabins in the park are reservable up until the Thanksgiving weekend. Is it possible to use them after that date or are they "closed for the season"?
Sorry Steve but the answer is no. They are closed and locked for the winter season.
Well dang it lol...Thanks Rob
when i asked about cabins being open after thanksgiving,, i was told the cabins are closed because of hunting season.
Hmm I wonder if that would that imply that they are possibly being used by hunters?
I think it is more so the hunters do not use them.
Plus the offices close thanksgiving and the staff is seriously reduced for the winter season so maintenance and checking on them would be a problem.
Last edited by Rob (4/10/2019 12:17 am)
Ah that makes more sense...Thanks Rob
safety is a over riding priority during hunting season !! certain people do have the keys and/or the lock combo?
I'm actually surprised they would even lock them, for this exact reason. For the amount of added use they might see after Thanksgiving I would have thought they would keep them open for safety reasons as well..
How often does park staff check on the cabins during the season?
I was staying at the Kitty Lake Cabin and a summer student rolled up in a Park pickup with his girlfriend but I think they were hoping no one was staying there. He stopped long enough to wish us a good day and was on his way..