Hello fellow AAers!
Many of you are likely familiar with Mark Rubino and his website full of information packed trip-logs (, but now you can experience Mark's wealth of information first hand in a new series - "Mark in the Park"! This will be a 10-part series following Mark on a loop out of Kiosk Lake, with a side trip down to Rain Lake Access at the end of the loop. I've linked the first two episodes below.
I'm excited to share this series with like-minded paddlers and would love to get some feedback (whether positive or constructive)! The more exposure this series can attain, the higher chance it has at continuing
Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Loved the first couple of episodes. So far it’s been particularly helpful because it’s shot in the area I’ll be visiting for the first time this spring. Great to get a sneak peak of what’s ahead.
If you want my vote, I’d say give Mark six seasons and a movie!
Thanks AlgonquinLakes! I hope you enjoy that area of the park. I liked it so much that I'm planning to return there this summer with my girlfriend. Can't wait to read about your experience.
Mark's website has been a great source when trip planning. These videos are exactly the thing to get us through this time of year when the summer backcountry season is so close, and yet so far away. Hope to see more.