Hey all,
I’ve got part two of my end of July trip up now. This was Longbow to Bandit (but actually Moccasin) and everything in between. So, mostly beaver dams and one unimpressed moose.
Jerks, Ninjas and Gorillas!! Oh My!!!
Very enjoyable report; at least from my perspective
Thanks for sharing. Do you have any more pictures of Moccasin by any chance? I’m eyeing both Bandit and Moccasin as part of a tentative trip to/from McIntosh. Or if you don’t have pictures, would you recommend the site for someone who prefers scenic, exposed sites with open rock and great views?
I’ve got a bunch. I’ll send you a pm with them. I liked the site. Apart from the loading area, which isn’t super as it’s on a decent slope, it’s got everything I want. Big chunk of rock by the water, enough decent tent spots and good views.