Hi there, I have been trying to find some information on Brain Lake. All I seem to find is people passing through Brain Lake to continue on to Stretch, Hurdmam, ect. I am looking at staying on Brain Lake for my first trip back after breaking my ankle, I don't want to chance portages just yet. Any information on the lake, campsites, and/or fishing would be greatly appreciated.
Really nothing to write home about on those 3 criteria, the island campsite is great for swimming though.
Pretty much what EGB said..
I stayed there for my last night of a 5 night trip from Brain to Hurdman and back. All 3 sites are okay, I stayed on the east shore site but if I was going back I'd stay on the island.
The drive in during spring can be a little dicey, but a vehicle with good clearance won't have an issue (or any vehicle from summer onwards).
I didn't fish the lake so no info there but overall if I was looking to base camp on an access lake, I think Brain would be a good choice - I doubt it gets many visitors.
Thanks for the replies! I assumed it doesn't get used much so any information is helpful!