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4/28/2018 7:31 am  #222

Re: 2018 Ice Out Predictions?

Yesterday I seen a plane similar to the parks yellow Turbo Beaver buzz over Kiosk quite low, then about an hour later a helicopter did the same thing. Not sure what either was about, but I doubt they were checking the ice.


4/29/2018 6:34 am  #223

Re: 2018 Ice Out Predictions?

Looks like Sunday Creek is open and flowing from 60 down to Norway lake.

A mans gotta do, what a man's gotta do.

4/29/2018 10:12 am  #224

Re: 2018 Ice Out Predictions?

AP post on Twitter today.

Park Management will be assessing conditions this week as we approach Friday (our current tentative opening date).  No word yet on a further delay but most lakes are still covered in thick ice.  We will continue to post updates here.

We do not go to the green woods and crystal waters to rough it, we go to smooth it.
 - George Washington Sears

4/29/2018 11:28 am  #225

Re: 2018 Ice Out Predictions?

I had 9 days booked starting the 5th and have taken the $10.50 hit in order to change my booking to the 11th now rather than wait for the seemingly inevitable 'further delay' announcement and do it at no charge. That way I'm hopefully avoiding conflicts on the mad re-booking scramble when it comes. Hopefully they won't push it back more than another week!


4/29/2018 12:07 pm  #226

Re: 2018 Ice Out Predictions?

ShawnD wrote:

AP post on Twitter today.

Park Management will be assessing conditions this week as we approach Friday (our current tentative opening date).  No word yet on a further delay but most lakes are still covered in thick ice.  We will continue to post updates here.

Thanks for the update!
Please post again if they make another twitter post.


4/30/2018 1:03 pm  #227

Re: 2018 Ice Out Predictions?

May 11th looks like the next attempt by Park Management. This one should do the trick (fingers crossed)

Last edited by Abe Froman (4/30/2018 1:05 pm)


4/30/2018 1:35 pm  #228

Re: 2018 Ice Out Predictions?

Yes, its up on the website now. I just got off the phone with the reservation service though and they still don't know the opening date has been extended till May 11, so I have to call back to make the change without penalty. 



4/30/2018 1:38 pm  #229

Re: 2018 Ice Out Predictions?

on Twitter as well.   think this has to be one of the latest openings ever. 


4/30/2018 1:44 pm  #230

Re: 2018 Ice Out Predictions?

23rd versus the 30th, and even though most of that week was not really very warm there's substantial differences. The 30th versus the 7th will be way, way more significant. Opeongo is boxed just for a bit of reference. 


Last edited by Uppa (4/30/2018 1:45 pm)


4/30/2018 3:15 pm  #231

Re: 2018 Ice Out Predictions?

Hmm, QEII it is, then.


4/30/2018 5:44 pm  #232

Re: 2018 Ice Out Predictions?

I think it'll be good to go for the 11th as planned.
It is going to be really warm over the next 10 days with sun and some rain in there.  Now that shores are breaking up and the rivers and creeks in the park are flowing it shouldn't take too long.

Kempenfelt bay of lake simcoe is roughly the size of opeongo.  It was fully locked a week ago, now it is fully open.

Last edited by vanslyke (4/30/2018 5:45 pm)


4/30/2018 10:12 pm  #233

Re: 2018 Ice Out Predictions?

sdmoulto wrote:

Top- Lake Opeongo April 24, 2018
Bottom - Lake of Two Rivers - April 24, 2018

Lake of Two Rivers could be opening up any day now and quickly, while Opeongo looks like it could be quite different by the weekend. Its going to be close folks!


Nope. Not different. Much of the same.


4/30/2018 11:18 pm  #234

Re: 2018 Ice Out Predictions?

trippythings wrote:

If ice out is later than average, does that usually mean black flies will start hatching/biting later than average as well? Or are the two not directly related in that sense.

I'm considering a trip around May 16-20 but not sure if that's too late if I'm trying to avoid the bugs

Quoting myself from earlier in the thread, but I want to ask again... I was initially planning May 16 - 20 but the route I want to do is no longer available so I would have to push it back to May 23 - 25. With the new ice out forecast, do you guys think I'll be able to beat the bugs on those dates, or will it be a risky bet?

Trip Reports & Campsite Pictures

5/01/2018 5:20 am  #235

Re: 2018 Ice Out Predictions?

The black flies might be out this year before the park is even open for camping...

(No, I'm not joking). 


5/01/2018 5:32 am  #236

Re: 2018 Ice Out Predictions?

Yesterday at Kiosk I seen one very small black fly buzzing around me for a bit, countless butterflies, many 'house flies', LOTS of chickadees and Gray Jay's, and 3 very confused loons. The loons were swimming in the small bit of open water that runs under the land bridge.
The shore is open all around the lake now and access to the ice is no longer possible. 
I give it 7 days from today.

Last edited by ATVenture (5/01/2018 5:32 am)


5/01/2018 6:40 am  #237

Re: 2018 Ice Out Predictions?

If the lake ice recedes completely before the 11th, will they open the park ahead of that date? 


5/01/2018 6:50 am  #238

Re: 2018 Ice Out Predictions?

I now have 2 later May trips so very interested in the questions posed above.

Does a late/cold spring mean later bugs or fewer bugs or dare we hope both.

Scouring the internet...the best I could find was this. Posted a few days ago and it speaks to the NY area.

We do not go to the green woods and crystal waters to rough it, we go to smooth it.
 - George Washington Sears

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