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4/14/2018 7:28 pm  #18

Re: Where in Algonquin? No. 256

Sorry Tripper - not there


4/15/2018 2:36 pm  #19

Re: Where in Algonquin? No. 256

On the portage between the tim river and longbow lake?


4/15/2018 2:37 pm  #20

Re: Where in Algonquin? No. 256

Not anywhere along the Tim River.

     Thread Starter

4/16/2018 6:23 am  #21

Re: Where in Algonquin? No. 256

The nipissing river - nod L campsite?


4/16/2018 7:27 am  #22

Re: Where in Algonquin? No. 256

Not there - or anywhere along the Nip - but you've got the exact right idea with that guess. 

     Thread Starter

4/16/2018 2:52 pm  #23

Re: Where in Algonquin? No. 256

How about the portage on the Pet between Whitson and Smith lakes?



4/16/2018 5:12 pm  #24

Re: Where in Algonquin? No. 256

Loughrin Cr (@ 2010m portage)?


4/16/2018 5:36 pm  #25

Re: Where in Algonquin? No. 256

Nailed it!

This is the lone campsite at the end of P2010. I was standing on the portage (came from directly behind me) when I took the photo (which is why the canoe wasnt near the water yet)

The hint of 'Has something very specific in common with 10 other campsites in Algonquin Park' is because there are 11 campsites in Algonquin that are 'Signed, but permits aren't being issued for' and this is one of them.

You're up Ash!

Last edited by Peek (4/16/2018 5:37 pm)

     Thread Starter

4/16/2018 7:49 pm  #26

Re: Where in Algonquin? No. 256

Peek wrote:

Nailed it!

This is the lone campsite at the end of P2010. I was standing on the portage (came from directly behind me) when I took the photo (which is why the canoe wasnt near the water yet)

The hint of 'Has something very specific in common with 10 other campsites in Algonquin Park' is because there are 11 campsites in Algonquin that are 'Signed, but permits aren't being issued for' and this is one of them.

You're up Ash!

Nice!  Ahh, that 'something specific...' makes sense...  I had thought it was to do with campsites on portages between rivers/lakes...  Great WiAPP! :-)


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