The Opeongo- Big Crow - Lavieille - Dickson - Opeongo loop is one I've only done once, and as it was a group of four I was coerced into paddling a canoe. So I have to go back there the proper way - in a kayak! Plus I'm sort of nervous that the blue-green algae situation is going to keep spreading and the rest of Lavieille will end up closed down, so I'd rather go visit it before that happens (I have no idea if there's any scientific basis for that concern).
On my one and only trip through Lavieille I didn't actually camp on it, so I have no idea what any of the sites are like. As I'll be travelling to Lavieille from Proulx I'll likely not have the time, or at least the energy, to paddle all over the lake checking out my options. So... recommendations? My preferred site is one that lets me jump/dive into the lake without breaking my neck, which usually means a nice big chunk of Canadian Shield.
This one on Crow Bay is a nice quiet secluded site with good jumping rocks and a nice view of the sunset that is out of the wind. One of the best I've stayed on in APP and a good option if it is windy.
Thanks Lenny. I have a thing about planning trips around camping on lakes I've never actually camped on before (more push-pins in my wall map!), and I've already got a pin in Crow Bay. So hopefully there's a Lavieille-proper site that fits what I'm looking for. If not, that site sounds like a great option!
Search internet first, post second. I found what I'm looking for I think.
What'd you find? I've been having the same thoughts re: camping on Lavieille sooner rather than later.
when are you guys going into lavielle?
would it be possible go back out the crow river into big crow from lavielle, or would the current be too strong? i know time of year is important,, i was thinking before the bugs come out?
AlgonquinLakes wrote:
What'd you find? I've been having the same thoughts re: camping on Lavieille sooner rather than later.
I found... posts from our very own forum members! A trip report of Peek's which mentioned "Swifty's Site", then a conversation on this forum (err... I think the previous iteration of it) that identified which site that was (the Northernmost island site on an island by itself). Also that at least one of the two island sites south of Swifty's is also pretty nice, so I'll be heading to Swifty's, with the backup plan being "turn South".
@Swedish: As booked I'll be on Lavieille July 9th and 10th - my early Spring trip is already planned elsewhere. I don't see any reasons why you couldn't go back up the Crow as well (although obviously a bit more work) - you're not going to run into current problems. I'll be doing the Dickson-Bonfield though, after spending a night on Little Dickson. I always aim for loop trips whenever possible.
There are many many fantastic sites on Lavielle....A few o the islands at the southeast end are really nice (Crow Island area) , as are a few around that group of 4-5 near the main entrance from Corw Bay, also there is an awesome site at the southwest end, on the small island that has two sites. The northen most site is one of my favs on that lake.
Lots of nice sites on Lavieille. The one at the entrance of Lavieille when you come out of Crow bay is a good one if you happen to be a little low on gas by the time you reach there. The site at the portage to Farncombe is terrible but other than that I don`t recall any other `bad`sites on the lake.
Perhaps it was already mentioned but we had one of the best campsites I've ever had on lavielle ... I'm pretty sure it was one of the two campsites at the narrows in Hardys bay. lots of flat open rock ... little cliff ... can fish from shore. tons of room for several tents.
incidentally ... the lone campsite along the crow river between BC and lavielle should not be overlooked if it fits your schedule ... its a raised campsite so you have a decent view of the river/marsh ... fish cleaning table, etc. ... you feel like you have the entire park to yourself there .. .and you don't have to go far for dinner ! I always said if I did that loop again I'd stay a night there.
A note about the current . .I went first week of june ... u could certainly go upstream but you would feel it in spots ... but strong paddlers should be ok ... however add in time to carry the portages.
That's a great loop ... the campsites on Dickson leading to the bonfield portage are nice too ... lavielle is underrated for brookie and trout fishing in my opinion.
Thanks for the info folks - it's nice to know there's no shortage of good campsites! Just in case anyone's not aware, Hardy's Bay at the very least, and perhaps all of the southern sites on Lavieille are effectively closed due to the blue-green algae bloom. While Lavieille typically allows up to 12 bookings on any given day, in the last few years since Dickson was closed it's been 6 bookings max on Lavieille. If you look at the online booking system, you'll notice that Lavieille will show, say "5/12" available on that night... which doesn't mean 7 groups are booked, it means 1 is.
Last edited by Uppa (4/05/2018 2:01 pm)
Uppa... personally, I wouldn't be worried about blue-greens and toxins unless they're so abundant they're forming a bright green layer on the water surface. I'd pick an island where wind will help to blow the floating blue-greens into a bay on the downwind shore somewhere if they are abundant enough to be a problem.
The north end of Lavieille has interesting features if you've got the time to poke around... south-facing sand beach east of the Farncombe outflow, old growth hemlocks on the island nature reserve (they don't get to be very large but the island has never been logged according to researchers, in fact all of the islands in Dickson-Lavieille are said to be unlogged)... and the dam access and maintenance road at the Lavieille outflow runs south through some interesting country which includes large areas of red and white pine forests. This includes the red pine nature reserve NE of Petit lake, with some bushwhacking off the road (whatever you do, don't get lost trying to find your way back to the road or on a side road not shown on the top map).
Just thought I'd mention it since I'm killing time sitting around dreaming, looking at maps... good luck out there.
PS... the old growth red pines on Dickson are now thought to be older than previously thought after some new aging techniques were applied.... some of the world's oldest IIRC. Again not very large but they are old... hemlocks in that area as well.
That's great info frozentripper - thanks. I'll have a full day on Lavieille to explore, so you've just given me some great suggestions.
YW Uppa... I forgot to mention that the sand beach east of the Farncombe outlow also has a backbarrier pond and wetlands, visible once you're on the beach. Like the wetlands on Rosebary but smaller... could be a good place for photos depending on the time of year. The outflow channel of Abbe creek will flow through the sand beach somewhere depending on how storms have caused wave action to shift the height of the sand beach around and how much water is in the creek to cut a channel through the sand.
The entire Lavieille-Dickson area is in a large, mostly unroaded wilderness zone so I'm sure you'll have some quality time spent there... enjoy!
Spent a couple hours weathered in at the north end site just west of Crow Island and it was pretty nice. Can't comment on swimming though since I was already pretty soaked.
There must be something in the air, we've also planned a trip that goes through Lavielle!
Im doing the Crow R - Lavieille loop late summer early fall..maybe a side trip to Animoosh/Cat/Alluring depending on algae effecting this area.