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9/08/2017 7:53 am  #1

Painting a Kevlar Canoe

I just bought a Kevlar canoe and it's natural colour is "rental yellow".

I'm looking to paint it, but having trouble determining the right type of paint since most websites assume I want this job done to a professional, perfect standard.

Really I just want a more fun canoe, so I'm hoping to find something that is relatively easy (i.e. little prep work, spray if possible) and that won't add a ton of weight to the canoe (don't mind adding a bit).

Can anyone help?


9/08/2017 9:27 am  #2

Re: Painting a Kevlar Canoe

Quick and easy, won't add much weight, probably less than a pound....

- wash off any oil and dirt with detergent, rinse well.

- dry thoroughly.

- sand all the gloss off to a uniform dull surface everywhere to give the paint some "tooth" to bond onto.... surface prep is critical, an orbital sander helps with time.

- dust off, allow to dry again if washing or wiping with damp cloth to dust off

- spray with several cans of Tremclad or Rustoleum... or brush/roller with an enamel like floor and porch paint (although, probably heavier wrt weight).

-  get on the water and start scratching up the canoe again... good luck.


9/09/2017 7:52 am  #3

Re: Painting a Kevlar Canoe

Thanks, frozentripper! Can't wait to get going on this....

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