For those that have traversed this section, it will probably be an easy one for you to recognize the obstacles and name this spot. For other's it may be a little more difficult. To help in identifying, this is a section of running water, coming out of a lake, below a dam, with a long stretch before entering another confluence to determine if you want to head to a lake or continue on down this section of water.
One other hint ~ What you see directly in the middle of the photo is a path around this obstacle. It isn't a designated portage but is needed to get around of these obstacles as one traverses south along this area . (This photo is in the spirit of being more obscure than easily recognizable locations.)
Hmm. Maybe too obscure. Here is a picture entering the lake, above the dam, from which the WIAPP photo was taken. Edited. The dam is to the right, after leaving the narrows
Last edited by Andy W (8/31/2017 6:41 pm)
Is this the Petawawa after exiting Misty Lake's far east end?
Is this the Petawawa after exiting Misty Lake's far east end? Can't remember if there was a dam but there was certainly log jams.
Not the Pet / Misty lake area (but it is along a river)
I suppose my post was too obscure than I figured (Thanks for weighing in Methye). I'm struggling on additional hints that wouldnt give it away automatically. . .
In the spirit of keeping the "Where Is This" thread going, I am passing the baton on to anyone else. (I will name this spot, once the new thread has started).
Last edited by Andy W (9/05/2017 5:21 pm)
You got it Peek ! Your up !
Nice pic! I was going to guess Tim R, but the dam piece threw me off... I seem to remember a similar looking spot on Tim R between Queer L & Shah L... Great thread :-)