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6/18/2017 1:15 pm  #1

black fly reports

anyone have insights into the black fly, bugs activity,, robust?
    any one notice a may fly hatch yet?


6/19/2017 9:11 am  #2

Re: black fly reports

was on a lake about 1 hour south east of the park and mayfly hatch was in full swing and also a few blackflies but lots of skeeters.


6/23/2017 4:00 pm  #3

Re: black fly reports

Did a loop out of Opeongo up to Big Trout, Burntroot and Hogan a couple days back. Blackflies are (were) still out in full force, everywhere - except Hogan Lake. The mozzies were really bad on the trails but it was really windy for the entire trip, which made for bad paddling and good bug situations at the campsites.

When loading the boat on the car at Opeongo, I was in shock that the black flies at the access point were actually worse than anywhere else on the trip - how does that even happen? It was really weird - something like 3x worse than the trip. Strange.

I did see a few Mayflies towards the end of the trip - so thats good,


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