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6/09/2017 9:50 am  #1

Access point 1 info


My friends and I have done a few trips to Algonquin in the last few years. We typically use Access point 2 or 3. Our preference is too pack up everyday and canoe to a new campsite, instead of using a basecamp site. However, we have noticed that when we do this the better campsites tend to be full. 

One solution is to go deeper into Algonquin to avoid some of the crowds, however due to some of the circumstances around the people in our group we will only be able to go for two nights/three days. So my question is, are the lakes accessible from access point 1, on a 3 day trip more remote/less busy than access point 2 or 3? Or does someone have any suggestions for a different area that would meet our needs?

We are a group of young male adults and are capable of a strenuous day. 

Thank you very much.


6/09/2017 1:11 pm  #2

Re: Access point 1 info

Access Point 1 is still pretty busy in the summer. You'll typically find the trip across Kawawaymog and then down the Amable du Fond will involve lots of other groups surrounding you, but North Tea and the other connected lakes are all huge, so it very quickly starts to feel a whole lot more peaceful. 

If you want seclusion, think about portaging out of North Tea into Lorne / Kakasamic / Fassett. In my experience those lakes are very lightly used. 


6/09/2017 2:13 pm  #3

Re: Access point 1 info

I did a really easy 2 night loop out of Access 1 last Fall . Lorne night 1 Lost Dog night 2.

For a 2 night loop though in the north west part of AP  I would head to Access 29- Kiosk and stay on Mouse Night 1 and Erables or Maple night 2. 

We do not go to the green woods and crystal waters to rough it, we go to smooth it.
 - George Washington Sears

6/10/2017 12:46 pm  #4

Re: Access point 1 info

Thanks for the input. How windy/rough does North Tea Lake get?

     Thread Starter

6/10/2017 2:09 pm  #5

Re: Access point 1 info

North Tea can get rough....have seen many canoes capsized about half way down the lake where it juts to the left.  But then again, any big lake will get rough at times.  Once you get to North Tea you can paddle all the way to Manitou, another big lake, and get lost in the Park real quickly.


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