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5/23/2017 1:46 pm  #1


Any updates as far as bugs are concerned from the long weekend? I'll be back to the Park in just over 2 weeks and I'm assuming the worst given all the rain we've had.


5/23/2017 3:23 pm  #2

Re: Bugs

A coworker who wasn't camping, but frequently visits the park was there this weekend. He said they were out in significant numbers, but not aggressively biting yet. 


5/23/2017 3:58 pm  #3

Re: Bugs

Just returned from a relaxing few nights on Robitaille Lake and the bugs are indeed out. The black flies were just swarming on Friday but by yesterday they were biting in full force. Mozzies are out on the portages in good numbers, also biting. A campsite with a good breeze off the lake is a must.


5/23/2017 5:23 pm  #4

Re: Bugs

I was in the Bonnechere area for the long weekend. Black flies are out but mostly not biting. Mosquitoes were few. And the black flies seem to be very localized... like swarming at a portage landing but completely absent from the rest of the portage. I only used bug repellant at all at one campsite I stayed at, the other had no bugs and it wasn't enough of an issue on portages to bother.


5/23/2017 8:42 pm  #5

Re: Bugs

I did the Welcome->Louisa loop from last Tuesday to Sat and the bugs were basically non-existent.

Today I hiked the Western Uplands Trail about 10KM down from the access and back and the bugs were terrible! I hiked into a canoe campsite on Rain for supper and had to eat and run because they were driving me and the pooch nuts! I didn't bring my thermacell because they weren't bad on my canoe trip.. big mistake.


5/23/2017 9:13 pm  #6

Re: Bugs

I was in the north river area on the long weekend.  Bugs were not an issue.  But that's going to change quickly...


5/31/2017 8:18 am  #7

Re: Bugs

Any updates on the bugs? I've never been interior camping this time of year and am considering a day trip this weekend. Is it worth it, or will the bugs be bad enough to drive one insane?


5/31/2017 8:23 am  #8

Re: Bugs

From experience tripping in June can get a bit insane, especially on portages and at dusk/dawn.
I can only assume that this year there will be a bumper crop given the amount of rain. Interested to hear updates as well as I may be travelling there next week.

     Thread Starter

5/31/2017 11:38 am  #9

Re: Bugs

I just returned on monday from 3 nights in the park.  Worst blackflies I have ever experienced.  Swarming and biting.  Not many mozzies yet but starting to come out.  Pack a bug jacket.


6/01/2017 11:37 am  #10

Re: Bugs

i am planning on going in on June 3 for 7 nights.  Packing head net, bug jacket, and bug tent.  No portaging.....just camping on a large lake.


6/01/2017 2:17 pm  #11

Re: Bugs

boknows wrote:

i am planning on going in on June 3 for 7 nights.  Packing head net, bug jacket, and bug tent.  No portaging.....just camping on a large lake.



6/05/2017 10:20 am  #12

Re: Bugs

  Hi all, just got back from 4 day trip. Yes the bugs were insane. Worst ever. I had a mini screen tent which I brought along last min thought. So glad I did. The first couple of nights were really cool which helped keep them at bay but Sat night being the warmest, they didn't sleep lol. My tent was a constant buzz all night. Just waiting for me to emerge, lol. Overall, had an amazing trip and the people were all most non-existent. Whole purpose of the trip. 

I'm just gone Fishin!

6/05/2017 11:00 am  #13

Re: Bugs

Thanks Splakin. 
Heading in this Thursday and we are bringing the full arsenal of bug gear this trip. 

     Thread Starter

6/05/2017 11:44 am  #14

Re: Bugs

Headed out June 16 to 21 and this thread just locked-down the 'bring the bug shelter' decision.

I was there over the may 2-4 weekend and they were fairly intense. I can only imagine what they're like now. My only hope is the black flies have died down by the time June 16 rolls around (wishful thinking, I know )


6/05/2017 2:15 pm  #15

Re: Bugs

  On a side note. I'm a frequent user of the park. Absent usually 2-3rd week of May till July. Because of the bugs. I haven't been there in June for about 18 years. So I really don't use bug dope. I had deep woods off, but wanted to try an alternative to deet. I tried this stuff and gotta say it's amazing. With the amount of bugs I encountered (thousands I mean thousands) I got only 4 bites. Which were all on the wrists where they crawled under my long sleeve shirt. So really I escaped unscathed. Amazing really!


I'm just gone Fishin!

6/05/2017 2:36 pm  #16

Re: Bugs

Interesting. Even with DEET I still seem to get lit up. I've resorted to coating gear and clothes with Permethrin spray i got in the US a few summers back. I also have Bugs Away shirt & pants from ExOfficio. This stuff works and I'm not sure why it's not readily available in Canada. Last June trip I had less bites than my August trip. Seems like the bugs have upped their game this year, however.

     Thread Starter

6/05/2017 4:02 pm  #17

Re: Bugs

We were into Pen  on Saturday, out on Sunday. Short trip but we were overdue. The worst of the bugs was no worse than I expected. The best was no better than I had hoped. As it was just an overnight trip we just took the tent, no bug tent. We basically skipped lunch both days - although we also carry enough gorp to keep us going. Breakfast was fine as it was still nice and chilly. Dinner wasn't bad but did keep us moving around as we ate. 

Given the short trip the fishing was OK but contrary to commonly heard folklore and given the density of black flies in certain spots it should have been amazing. ;-)



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