Bucholtz Lake, near the logging roads?
trippythings wrote:
Bucholtz Lake, near the logging roads?
Looks like a decent campsite,so can't be Bucholtz - the campsite there sucks.
trippythings wrote:
Bucholtz Lake, near the logging roads?
The right answer! LOL
Trippy, that's one of the funniest lines I've read on this forum...and I've been on here since 2007 or so under the 'old' format.
trippythings wrote:
Bucholtz Lake, near the logging roads?
Bucholtz Lake is actually pretty close to this WiA location.
Last edited by BarryB (12/07/2023 5:12 pm)
Let's try the most north-western campsite on Opalescent. The portage to Ooze is just out of frame to the right and the stone couch campsite is around the point in the mid distance.
Peek wrote:
Not Opalescent
But. but, but. I'm pretty sure it's not Grand, not Stratton, Johnston, Berm, St Andrews, St. Francics, Rouge or Cork. It's neither of the Spectacle Lakes. So what else is there that is "pretty close to Bucholtz"?
OK, let's try Basin which is stretching "pretty close". (I have one remaining guess left if it is not Basin.)
I dunno but when I first saw this pic I thought Grand so I'm guessing Grand.
None of the above. Bob got pretty close - but no cigar
Obs.. go with your instincts.. there's a reason you suspect Grand.
But it's not Grand
Well my remaining guess was going to be Length, but the campsite locations don't work. So let me take a flier and guess Clemow.
Hint: the view might look a little off to anyone who has been to this lake (and I suspect a lot of you have) because this is taken from a campsite added in 2022.
Not Clemow.
rowan lake