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1/29/2022 3:35 pm  #1


1/29/2022 6:41 pm  #2

Re: WIA 547

White Trout?


1/30/2022 6:20 am  #3

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1/30/2022 10:02 am  #4

Re: WIA 547



1/30/2022 10:20 am  #5

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1/30/2022 12:09 pm  #6

Re: WIA 547

purrrfect,,    catfish lake,,, certainly looks swampy enough


1/30/2022 12:24 pm  #7

Re: WIA 547

Not Catfish. Smaller lake with far fewer campsites than anything posted so far.

     Thread Starter

1/31/2022 9:03 am  #8

Re: WIA 547

Looks kinda like the creek "short cut" through the island on Tim


1/31/2022 9:39 am  #9

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1/31/2022 1:47 pm  #10

Re: WIA 547

Philip's) ,coming out of Madawaska river?


1/31/2022 3:05 pm  #11

Re: WIA 547

If all goes as planned I'll finally get to Philips this summer but no, not Philip's. 


     Thread Starter

1/31/2022 3:41 pm  #12

Re: WIA 547

Lilly Pond?


1/31/2022 6:19 pm  #13

Re: WIA 547

Not Lily Pond.

The maximum number of bookings on this lake is 1.

     Thread Starter

2/01/2022 11:20 am  #14

Re: WIA 547

Big Thunder?


2/01/2022 1:41 pm  #15

Re: WIA 547

Not Big Thunder. 

While there's only one booking allowed on this lake per night, there are two marked campsites. 

     Thread Starter

2/01/2022 2:02 pm  #16

Re: WIA 547

Is it Shippagew, with the 1015m portage to Blue Lake behind you?


2/01/2022 2:04 pm  #17

Re: WIA 547

Ravenau or Lantern?


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