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4/06/2021 1:30 pm  #1

WIA 459

Where is the most remote spot in Algonquin Park? Where remote is defined as the greatest distance between an official access point and an official campsite.

Hint, it is here 

(Apologies in advance if I somehow screwed up and got this one wrong. It took a little while to figure out! )


4/06/2021 3:43 pm  #2

Re: WIA 459

Access Point #14 to the campsite on the portage leading out of Rockaway Lake


4/06/2021 3:59 pm  #3

Re: WIA 459

Hmm always thought that was somewhere around La Muir.. not getting the hint though.. BackPain Lake?


4/06/2021 3:59 pm  #4

Re: WIA 459

MartinG wrote:

Where is the most remote spot in Algonquin Park? Where remote is defined as the greatest distance between an official access point and an official campsite.

Hint, it is here 

(Apologies in advance if I somehow screwed up and got this one wrong. It took a little while to figure out! )

As the crow flies or by canoe?


4/06/2021 4:32 pm  #5

Re: WIA 459

and if there is any Viagra in that bottle Martin I'd like to change my guess to Little Dickson.


4/06/2021 4:43 pm  #6

Re: WIA 459

Distances are by paddle and portage.

@kokko61 it is approximately 15km from access 14 to the campsite on the portage leading out of Roackaway. No that is not the most remote spot in the park. 

@ShawnD LaMuir from where??? AND Hahahahah no, just medications for my back in that bottle.

If I zoomed out and gave you a better view of this campsite, it would really narrow down the answer.

Last edited by MartinG (4/06/2021 4:44 pm)

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4/06/2021 4:51 pm  #7

Re: WIA 459

Ok I have clearly misunderstood the question Martin .. I thought you meant farthest lake from any given access point as the crow flies.

Last edited by ShawnD (4/06/2021 4:52 pm)


4/06/2021 4:52 pm  #8

Re: WIA 459

Whiskey Jack?


4/06/2021 5:34 pm  #9

Re: WIA 459

Oooh good one! 
The closest Access Point to Whisky Jack is Brent. Brent is 37km away.
No that is not the most remote spot.

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4/06/2021 5:48 pm  #10

Re: WIA 459

Gibson lake?


4/06/2021 6:24 pm  #11

Re: WIA 459

gibson is a good guess but i think Allen raps would be further from from the closest access which is K -mog  I think.

Last edited by ShawnD (4/06/2021 6:29 pm)


4/06/2021 6:52 pm  #12

Re: WIA 459

Boom there it is. By my calculation Allen Rapids is the most remote spot in the park at 46.1km from KMog (47.5 from Brent) Kelly Creek Jtn would be next at 45.5km from Brent.

You are up Shawn.

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