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11/26/2020 3:18 pm  #1

WiA #415

Sorry guys - finally figured out a way to get a larger image to display (who would have guessed I could use my own website to host photos?? lol duhhh.)

Okay - anyone know where this is? Taken from a campsite that I suspect does not get much, if any, use.

Last edited by Peek (12/02/2020 8:08 am)


11/27/2020 7:49 am  #2

Re: WiA #415

La Muir?


11/27/2020 4:51 pm  #3

Re: WiA #415

No idea but that’s a nice looking spot


11/28/2020 12:30 pm  #4

Re: WiA #415

Scale is hard to judge but it kind of looks like the top of Clydegale.


11/28/2020 7:58 pm  #5

Re: WiA #415

Martin, not la Muir
AL thanks brah
SP I know, I don't understand why I can't get a larger resolution. But also, not Clydegale

North of 60

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12/01/2020 5:08 pm  #6

Re: WiA #415

Red Rock ?

If life gives you lemons, go fishing.

12/02/2020 8:10 am  #7

Re: WiA #415

Hey DT - Not Red Rock - LaMuir is closest guess so far (but still not very close).

I fixed the image size and provided a bit more detail in the original post.

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12/02/2020 9:09 am  #8

Re: WiA #415

It reminds me of a site on Cauchon.



12/02/2020 10:53 am  #9

Re: WiA #415

I can see why, but it's not cauchon.. getting closer tho!

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12/02/2020 11:07 am  #10

Re: WiA #415

Carl Wilson after the portage from Little Cauchon?


12/02/2020 11:20 am  #11

Re: WiA #415

Another good guess but no - too far east.

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12/02/2020 12:59 pm  #12

Re: WiA #415

Just to be sure we don't overlook something that could be obvious, how about splitting the difference and saying Little Cauchon?


12/02/2020 6:31 pm  #13

Re: WiA #415

Not Little Cauchon.. getting further away..

Taken from a campsite and I'm facing east

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12/03/2020 5:59 am  #14

Re: WiA #415

Gibson Lake?


12/03/2020 11:54 am  #15

Re: WiA #415

Not Gibson, but headed in the right direction.

There are more than 15 campsites on this lake, but this one is all on its own.

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12/03/2020 1:01 pm  #16

Re: WiA #415

Three Mile?


12/03/2020 5:16 pm  #17

Re: WiA #415

Not Three Mile but this is the closest guess so far.

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