Sorry guys - finally figured out a way to get a larger image to display (who would have guessed I could use my own website to host photos?? lol duhhh.)
Okay - anyone know where this is? Taken from a campsite that I suspect does not get much, if any, use.
Last edited by Peek (12/02/2020 8:08 am)
Scale is hard to judge but it kind of looks like the top of Clydegale.
Martin, not la Muir
AL thanks brah
SP I know, I don't understand why I can't get a larger resolution. But also, not Clydegale
North of 60
Red Rock ?
Hey DT - Not Red Rock - LaMuir is closest guess so far (but still not very close).
I fixed the image size and provided a bit more detail in the original post.
Carl Wilson after the portage from Little Cauchon?
Just to be sure we don't overlook something that could be obvious, how about splitting the difference and saying Little Cauchon?
Not Little Cauchon.. getting further away..
Taken from a campsite and I'm facing east
Not Gibson, but headed in the right direction.
There are more than 15 campsites on this lake, but this one is all on its own.