Are you considering a run at the title or over a few days? We did the MRX (127kms?) In 19:40 last year. Wouldn't consider myself overly fit. Avg at best for 42yrs. Did cycle and paddle lots prior but not to the point to be competitive. Took 2 hours off 2014 time though. Friends of our train vigorously for the race and did 16 hr ish.( mid 40s but triathletes) the winning team did it in 14 hrs. They live and breath marathon paddling and I'm told even paddle to work daily. Was told to properly train you should have about 100 hrs just in the boat to be reasonably competitive. Fitness plays a big role obviously but having the boat rigged for efficiency is another key factor. Having easy quick access to nutrition and hydration saves allot of time. Aqua tabs rather then pump filter. Drink hoses from bottles so you don't have to fiddle with Nalgene bottles also key. Packing for light and fast portages. Rethinking how you pack and portage plays a big role. Two person shoulder carry vs single person yoke carry is quicker in and out of the water. Totally depends on the results you want to achieve . The avg person with some tripping experience should fair pretty well on this route over the course of 3 or 4 days. Looking for that sub 24 hrs time would require some commitment. 160km in 24 hrs is about 6.5 km/hr avg for the entire duration. Doesn't sound like much but that's a pretty fair pace on an Algonquin portage at 3 am. Lol!
Thanks for that. We would definitely not be going for the title but would see just how fast we could do it. We are both 29 and in reasonable tripping shape but would want to fitness up a bit over the next few months and spend more time in the canoe too. Some helpful insight though. Thanks.
Sooooo..... January seemed to be people showing interest in the Brent Run. It is now June and am interested if anyone else is planning to do it this year?
i am interested in doing this trip when the bugs die off. just say`n
Just realized this is in the wrong section. Lol. Anyhow how I just booked a trip for July 20 to 24. I'm kinda stuck with these dates but if you guys can work with this I would be willing to change plans to a brent run rip. If it sounds possible pm me and we will see what we can do.
s.r. check your inbox?
Shayne74 wrote:
Just realized this is in the wrong section. Lol. Anyhow how I just booked a trip for July 20 to 24. I'm kinda stuck with these dates but if you guys can work with this I would be willing to change plans to a brent run rip. If it sounds possible pm me and we will see what we can do.
What are you going to do with the other 4 days?
Shawn. Heading in to islet for my first solo right now. If someone wanted to make a brent run I would alter my plans to accommodate what that takes up and then see what I could come up with for a shorter solo. Until another option comes up I'm soloing wed to sat then an mtb ride on the minnesing trail Saturday afternoon before heading home Sunday. That's the plan so far anyhow.
Just sent a message to you private box. Trying to respect Barry's post.
I've been informed that the Brent Run is being tried over this weekend.
Over the years, the four hardy souls have frequented Algonquin Adventures .. Scott, Mike, Markus and Sean (our own forum moderator)!.
Sean says he'll be doing a trip log of the trip when he gets back and will post it on the forum.
Just received update on the Brent Run that's underway. I believe they left the north end of Canoe Lake around 4am yesterday .. made Brent around 7:45pm yesterday .. left Brent around 8:30pm yesterday .. had about 4 hours rest on Catfish .. and are entering Perley as I post.
They started at Ahmek 4am Friday morning.
Thanks for clarifying their starting point Martin.
A friend just got back from the interior and reports the bugs as horrendous. Hope their bug repellent doesn't run out!
There are so many things about this trip I couldn't imagine, I completely forgot about the bugs. They are 28 hours in and are currently heading back down Burntroot.
As of now, they are 2/3 of the way across Burnt Island Lake and in the home stretch. In this heat and paddling into the sun .. they must be cooking!
I can't wait to read this trip report!
This heat is less then ideal for trying to travel as quickly as possible. I imagine as Barry said the bugs on this trip have been a good motivator to move as quickly as possible.
Just checked on progress. At 7:45 pm they appear to have come ashore at Joe Island (Joe Lake). After that, their tracking systems appear to have been either turned off or not moving.