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1/10/2020 5:33 pm  #1

WIA #315


1/10/2020 6:48 pm  #2

Re: WIA #315

Midway down Five Mile Rapids on the Petawawa


1/10/2020 7:21 pm  #3

Re: WIA #315

It does look like that but no.

     Thread Starter

1/10/2020 9:47 pm  #4

Re: WIA #315

Rolling Dam?


1/10/2020 9:55 pm  #5

Re: WIA #315

Not Rolling Dam.  You have the correct river though.

     Thread Starter

1/11/2020 7:11 am  #6

Re: WIA #315

Nipissing River, below the 230m portage and upstream of the 945m (915m).  That is, between the first and second portage upstream of Cedar Lake.


1/11/2020 8:07 am  #7

Re: WIA #315

Nope not there.

Turning my head to the left

Last edited by ShawnD (1/11/2020 8:12 am)

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1/11/2020 12:13 pm  #8

Re: WIA #315

One last try:  bottom of the portage around High Falls.


1/11/2020 5:24 pm  #9

Re: WIA #315

Closer !!

Looking behind me.

     Thread Starter

1/11/2020 7:04 pm  #10

Re: WIA #315

I guess I just have to keep working upstream until I get to Big Bob Lake and then give up in frustration.  I further suspect that Martin is just about to pounce.


1/11/2020 7:38 pm  #11

Re: WIA #315

But you’re so close Bob.  ;-)  took all the photos from
this short clip.

Last edited by ShawnD (1/11/2020 7:39 pm)

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1/11/2020 8:19 pm  #12

Re: WIA #315

On that basis, I guess it must be from the campsite at the foot of the portage around Gauthiers Dam -- "Nipissing River -- Osler Marsh" according to Jeffrey.  But I have to admit, I have no mental picture of that location at all (it's been over 30 years since I was there).


1/11/2020 9:47 pm  #13

Re: WIA #315

Osler Marsh it is. You’re up Bob.

     Thread Starter

1/12/2020 7:22 am  #14

Re: WIA #315

Thanks Shawn.  It's always nice to get one, but with four guesses and a lot of clues, I don't think I can claim much in the way of bragging points.  Anyway, I'll post something a little later -- providing our power doesn't go out.


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