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12/15/2019 9:45 pm  #1

WIA 309


12/16/2019 6:46 am  #2

Re: WIA 309



12/17/2019 1:33 pm  #3

Re: WIA 309

Shayne74 wrote:


Nope, not Clydegale.

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12/17/2019 2:42 pm  #4

Re: WIA 309

Parkside Bay???


12/17/2019 5:49 pm  #5

Re: WIA 309

North River Lake?


12/18/2019 10:00 am  #6

Re: WIA 309

It's not Parkside Bay. You are almost spot on for being West enough, but it's a fair bit North of there.

It's also not North River Lake. It's South-West of there.

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12/18/2019 10:43 am  #7

Re: WIA 309

I wanted to say McIntosh when I saw it and that lake fits your last clue. so.. how about McIntosh?

We do not go to the green woods and crystal waters to rough it, we go to smooth it.
 - George Washington Sears

12/18/2019 12:43 pm  #8

Re: WIA 309

Burntroot Lake?


12/18/2019 1:53 pm  #9

Re: WIA 309

It is neither McIntosh or Burntroot.

But I did paddle through McIntosh on the same day that the picture was taken...

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12/18/2019 8:11 pm  #10

Re: WIA 309

Timberwolf has a few wee islands like this. 


12/19/2019 9:12 am  #11

Re: WIA 309



12/19/2019 9:39 am  #12

Re: WIA 309

TripperMike wrote:


Misty it is! You're up again Tripper.

If memory serves me right it is the tiny dot of land you can see just south-west of the campsite on the right.

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