Ok this should be a quick one. You will need to be fairly specific though.
Where is this site?
Crooked Chute on the Pet?
Not crooked chute but you’ve got the right idea.
You both have the correct river. Mike is closer.
Is this Upper Schooner raps?
Although I can't find the reference right now, that is one of Bill Mason's favourite campsites. It is a small site overlooking the Pet. You can cut through that site to avoid a drop and a particularly goaty part of the portage around the first section of Natch Rapids.
I think
Last edited by MartinG (11/26/2019 7:04 pm)
So Becky Mason’s favourite site is the last take out on Crooked Chute.
Tripper Mikes first guess I believe.
Here are 2 fine gentlemen on that site.
The Natch Rapid pic above I always thought was the same a the site pictured here.Have never been able to find a reference confirming that though.
Anyway you are up Martin ! ( although I think you were standing beside me when I took the picture. LOL. Not sure if that is a violation of any of the strict WIA rules )
I think that picture of Bill is at that site. The trees look about right. Very cool!
I've been through there 3 times and have no pics of the area, I'm either running that rapid or trying to lug the canoe through that site and down the little cliff. But now that you mention it, I may have been beside you, and going on about how this is one of Bill Masons favourite sites. LOL! Sorry. Great memory Shawn, thanks!
I forfeit my turn to whomever is quickest on the draw.
This is the location of the Bill Mason pic - overlooking the second set of falls in Macdonald Rapids.
Ok thx Diana. Mystery solved !
Did there ever used to be a designated site along that rapids?
As far as I know, there was never a 'designated' campsite along that set of rapids. Prior to 1974 there were plenty of traditional campsites in APP but official designation didn't start till 1974. It was a while before that fully took effect, and some of the previously used sites were gradually abandoned. New ones were added over time as well.
The photo is probably from the 1970s at the latest, so Bill Mason could have been at a site that was used without ever appearing on a map. The old 'Tom Thomson map' (pre-1974) shows only portages but no campsites. Actually, looking at the photo again, it appears he may just be having a shore lunch, rather than camping there. Also, the railway was not far out of the picture to the right (and formed part of the portage), so it might not have been all that peaceful a spot to stay anyway.
Last edited by dcmcelroy (11/26/2019 10:12 pm)
Thx again Diana. I must take a look for that spot next time I’m through. As a mystery solving reward I think you should be up next !
Thanks, Shawn, but I think I'll pass, so whoever wants to post the next WIA - go to it!