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10/10/2019 5:50 pm  #1

East side?

Never been to the east side. Contemplating it for next year. Just wondering how long the drive is from access A29 to A30? Thinking maybe shuttling vehicles and just doing the canyon on the return trip downstream. Any thoughts? Limited time as usual.


10/11/2019 11:23 am  #2

Re: East side?

Where are A29 and A30???

Last edited by MartinG (10/11/2019 11:23 am)


10/11/2019 12:47 pm  #3

Re: East side?

Fun hunt.  Marked on Jeff''s V.5 map as A51/Ba2 and A38/Ba1 - assuming I've got the right spot.  Squirrel Raps to Brigham.  As Shayne mentions a canyon on the east side I'm guessing that is it.  On an older version of Jeff's Access Point index they are marked as A29 and A30.

It'll depend a little bit on how bad the Achray road is, it gets pretty wash-boarded, but it is maybe 30 min from Sand Lake Gate to Achray Station.  I've never timed in between those 2 Access Points but it is about 15 min I'd say.  Now I'm wondering if i have the right spots as that isn't too great a distance.  

If you need canoes, Algonquin Bound will leave them at either spot (Algonquin Portage may as well) and they'll do shuttling if you want.  


10/11/2019 1:38 pm  #4

Re: East side?

Nice detective work Gord! The Paddle downstream from Brigham to Squirrel Raps is about 4 hours. The drive between the two spots is 15-20 minutes or so. Achray to Squirrel Rapids is a one night trip. But can be done in a day if you are motivated. Algonquin Bound will shuttle your car from Achray to Squirrel Raps for $50. If you are coming all this way from the GTA spend 2 or 3 nights exploring. In my opinion the Petawawa watershed downstream of Cedar is the most Beautiful part of the park. 


10/11/2019 5:59 pm  #5

Re: East side?

Sorry. Yes i have an older Jeff's map.  You' ve the right spot. We will Have two vehicles. Think of touring around the area for a couple days then finishing down the Barron Canyon. Back track by car to retrieve the other vehicle. Not sure what time we'll arrive so saving 4ish hrs of paddling may be beneficial. We have canoes so thats not an issue. Thanks for the help.

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