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Trip Reports » Misadventure in Algonquin Park » 5/25/2016 6:44 am

Replies: 10

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Hey Waboose, I'd bet the farm that's the result of some upset ground wasps. My dog went through the same thing, maybe worse. Different breed. We had to take him to the vet for a steroid shot after a couple of day's of benedryl didn't work.
As far as the first aid training, I started mine years ago, at least to gain some confidence in a bad situation. ended taking it up to (W)EMR.  It has paid huge dividends. What I have learned I have used many times, unfortunately, some times on family, friends and pets. If you live an hour from the west gate we're likely in the same area, there are some fantastic wilderness medical training organizations right on your doorstep. The operation you did you white water cert at may teach them. Otherwise try Paddlefoot in dorset.

Cheers, D

Rest assured you made the right decision though, as you figured out the airway is all important.

Trip Planning » Bug Report » 5/04/2016 1:03 pm

Replies: 84

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In south Muskoka they arrived yesterday in full force. No biting, just fly bye's. Today however they have their teeth with them. The  60 corridor is usually a week behind us. Should be fine this week end.

Catch-all Discussions » Are predictions for ice-out starting yet? » 4/25/2016 3:22 pm

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Just outside of Bala. Snowed enough to cover the ground and since has turned to ice pellets, even though the temp is a balmy +1. Glad to here you didn't get it on your side of Muskoka. Judging by the radar it has stayed south of you. Here's to hoping for a better rest of the week.

Catch-all Discussions » Are predictions for ice-out starting yet? » 4/25/2016 10:42 am

Replies: 246

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I have a reservation for the park interior this week end as well. Snowing quite heavily in Muskoka this morning. A little discouraging. D

Campsite Cooking » drops vs crystals - water flavouring » 4/25/2016 10:38 am

Replies: 11

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I have always used crystals until last season, got on to the drops. way more convenient and way less mess if things get damp. D

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