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Fishing » gill lice » 5/24/2018 9:56 am

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There's a picture for anyone interested. It's not the best unfortunately. I'm positive it's Gill lice.

Yes I did see some of them on the fins but very little.

No one else has encountered this Huh?

Fishing » gill lice » 5/18/2018 9:47 pm

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We caught a bunch of brookies last weekend on one of the interior lakes, and we noticed every single fish has some white growth on the gills, and sometimes on the fins. In some cases it was just a few and in other cases there were hundreds on the fish. The bigger fish seemed to have it more than the smaller ones.
All the fish fought well and seemed healthy otherwise.
We kept 3 fish total that we ate during that trip.

When I got back home I did a quick google search and it looks like these fish had gill lice.

Anyone else encountered this in the park? Do you eat the fish? What are your thoughts on the effect this might have on the fishery? Will these fish eventually die off?

Equipment » Anchor » 2/22/2018 10:12 pm

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Thanks for all the ideas.

Equipment » Rod & Reel » 2/10/2018 11:48 am

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I've always just strapped my 2-piece rod with the reel attached to the side of my backpack during the portages. I can put it together really quick and back to fishing when I hit the lake. Never had an issue with this setup SO FAR. 

I keep a back up (telescopic) rod and reel in the backpack. Just in case! 

I've got a cheap rod ($50) and a cheap reel ($70). I won't be too upset if they get damaged on the portage. 

Equipment » Anchor » 2/10/2018 11:41 am

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How does everyone deal with the canoe drifting in the wind while trying to fish? Any alternative to carrying in a heavy anchor?

Right now I find that I just don't fish when the wind is out. Or i troll instead. 
Even when the wind is not that strong and I'm fishing, I find that I constantly have to paddle back to get in 'position' after a few casts. 

Trip Planning » Kevin Callan and Lake Louisa » 6/11/2017 6:28 pm

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I guess that means I don't have to feel as bad about eating it. It couldn't spawn anyway!

Trip Planning » Kevin Callan and Lake Louisa » 5/29/2017 10:21 pm

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oh I should add, the area that I caught it in is quite far from any brookie lakes. So I think Louisa must have a small brook trout population

Trip Planning » Kevin Callan and Lake Louisa » 5/29/2017 10:20 pm

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I've been to Louisa multiple times and caught many trouts, all lakers, with the exception of the very first one being a brookie. About the same size as the one posted above. 

My first and only brookie!

Trip Planning » Day Use Permit » 5/07/2017 3:22 pm

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Thanks for the feedback everyone!
Cost isn't the hugest issue. Just trying to figure out the trip time. There's 2 of us for reference. But an overnight camping permit means we have to be there the day before, or wait for the office to open at 9 am the day of, correct? This is what we're trying to avoid. 

I didn't know I can purchase a day permit from the machine. Good to know. I'll call the park and confirm that it exists at the west gate. Hopefully it lets me buy my permit before 7am. 

I'll probably aim to be at the access point for 6am. Sounds like they will most likely turn a blind eye. Worst case i get unlucky and end up with a ticket?

Trip Planning » Day Use Permit » 5/06/2017 8:55 pm

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Planning on going into the park and out the same day to do some spring fishing. I'd like to start my day as early as possible to get the most fishing done. Would like to start paddling 5-6am. 

I'll be coming in through access point 9, rock lake. My understanding is that I have to pick up the permit from the park office right? Hours seem to be 9am-4pm for the west gate. Any way around this? Any suggestions?

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