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Trip Planning » Advice for Spring Fishing Trip Route (5 Day) » 4/04/2023 10:13 pm

+1 vote for the Opeongo route. Did it for the first time last year and it did not disappoint!

Trip Planning » Eustache L. to "The Forks" » 2/13/2023 10:05 am

Thanks all!. Very helpful info Peek....How's the campsite at the forks?

Trip Planning » Eustache L. to "The Forks" » 2/12/2023 8:02 pm

I've been on the hunt for any information on the traditional portage route shown on Jeff's Map between Eustache L and "The Forks" of the Crow R./white partridge Cr. Curious if anyone has any beta they'd be willing to share. 

Board footera

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