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Fishing » Trout in Byers, Big Rock and Scorch » 3/18/2021 5:49 pm

Replies: 5

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ooops. "There" instead of "their." 

Fishing » Trout in Byers, Big Rock and Scorch » 3/18/2021 5:27 pm

Replies: 5

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Not really looking to see if their is fish there...just wondering what is going on with the lack of fish their. No need for anyone to respond to this. I think you're missing my question. Let's just assume I can't fish LOL and leave it at that. LOL

Fishing » Trout in Byers, Big Rock and Scorch » 3/18/2021 1:44 pm

Replies: 5

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I've never seemed to catch any trout in these lakes on my past trips. Anyone else have the same issue?

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