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11/03/2016 5:54 pm  #18

Re: Where in Algonquin? No. 71

White Trout


11/03/2016 6:06 pm  #19

Re: Where in Algonquin? No. 71

Sorry, not White Trout either, a bit easier to get to.

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11/05/2016 7:39 am  #20

Re: Where in Algonquin? No. 71

Okay more hints..

The biggest hint should be the shoreline in the distance on the left - there are only a handful of lakes sporting such a vast shoreline.  Additionally, this lake isnt hard to get to - at all, it just takes some time - but the portages are a sinch. Finally, the shoreline in the distance isnt the same as the lake featured in the photo.

That should do it!

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11/05/2016 2:36 pm  #21

Re: Where in Algonquin? No. 71

How about Bice?


11/05/2016 3:01 pm  #22

Re: Where in Algonquin? No. 71

Not Bice. Further north..

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11/06/2016 2:34 pm  #23

Re: Where in Algonquin? No. 71 about Mangotasi?


11/06/2016 3:52 pm  #24

Re: Where in Algonquin? No. 71

Treater you got it man - you're up!

This photo was taken from the upper end of Mangotasi looking back towards North Tea.

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