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9/04/2018 8:52 am  #1

Solo Kayak Camping: Bugging Out Finale (Louisa loop)

I either need to spend more time working on videos or less time camping, as I just now finished part 2 (of 2) of my Louisa loop in June. As planned I was supposed to head from Louisa to Pen (the long way via Rence/Welcome etc) and camp there, but when I reached Pen I just kept paddling. The wildlife on Pen and Rock are clearly very used to people, as a loon on Pen and a moose on Rock were completely indifferent to my presence, letting me get some close up and personal footage of both. 

I hope you enjoy it!



Board footera

LNT Canada is a national non-profit organization dedicated to promoting responsible outdoor recreation through education, research and partnerships.