Winter Fishing by Snowmobile??

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Posted by adventure66
3/20/2017 9:51 am

Just looking at Google Maps and noticed that Rowan Lake, on the east side, is peppered with drill holes. One can also clearly see snowmobile tracks. I thought this was illegal?  

Posted by ATVenture
3/20/2017 11:10 am

John Connelly wrote:

Legal for Indigenous folks , fishing on traditional lands using non-traditional means of transport .

Yep. I go snowshoeing around Kiosk a fair bit in the winter and there is always natives out fishing on the lake.

Last edited by ATVenture (3/20/2017 11:10 am)

Posted by DanPM
3/20/2017 6:01 pm

I think winter fishing by members of the Algonquins of Ontario was a legal grey area for a long time, in practice they did it without enforced restriction because no one wanted another legal case to complicate the Algonquin land claim (as per Rory's comments quoted by John above). Finally, as part of the agreement in principle, the parties established "interim winter fishing measures". Under these measures, the Algonquins are allowed to fish in the winter in much of the park, but not in certain areas: the Dickson-Lavielle system, the Galipo River system, the Hogan-La Muir chain, and the Coldspring area in the park's northwest. In addition to staying off these lakes in the winter, the Algonquins accept a spawning season closure on lake and brook trout throughout the park, and must abide by the live baitfish ban and the six year-round sanctuary lakes. This was discussed on the old forum here.

I'm not 100% sure of the current legal status of these interim measures.

Posted by DanPM
3/20/2017 9:21 pm

Well, I can only speak to the content of the policy, not how well it's followed or enforced. And as I said I don't know the exact current status.

If you follow the link in my post above ( ) to the discussion I started on the old forum, there's excerpts from the interim measures and links to related documents. Sorry it's a little messy on the thread.

Posted by Kurt
3/21/2017 5:16 am

Living in the area I can tell you that native ice fishing in the park is not at all out of the ordinary, lots of guys I know make it an annual trip, I'm also interested in hearing the official view.....

Posted by ATVenture
3/21/2017 6:49 am

I used to work with 10+ Algonquin natives and they all used to brag to me about how they are aloud to ice fish. I am curious about the regulations for the natives using designated campsites? I know during the summer they drive the logging roads in trucks or ATV's and occupy regular interior sites  without reserving them, but what happens if the lake ends up being fully booked and someone doesn't have a site? I'm sure they are supposed to at least give a heads up that they are camping so a site can be reserved for them?

Last edited by ATVenture (3/21/2017 6:50 am)

Posted by nvm
4/18/2017 12:06 pm

DanPM wrote:

Well, I can only speak to the content of the policy, not how well it's followed or enforced. And as I said I don't know the exact current status.

If you follow the link in my post above ( ) to the discussion I started on the old forum, there's excerpts from the interim measures and links to related documents. Sorry it's a little messy on the thread.

Apparently that closure may have now expired.

I'm not sure how winter fishing (or any fishing for that matter) could possibly not affect 'sustainability of the brook trout and lake trout populations,' and my general request to the province for a copy of this study went unanswered. Perhaps I need to ask a local office. I thought it was pretty well understood elsewhere that ice fishing could take a significant toll on fish populations.


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