Thanks for looking, Claire and Martin!
re: portage weight..I used 2 dry bags inside my canvas canoe pack. It was overkill and extra unnecessary weight (2 pounds?). Contractor garbage bags well-sealed would've done the job. Also brought my wood stove (1/2 pound?) and my hammock (1 3/4 pounds?) plus a book (1/2 pound?) and a stool (1/2 pound). Then I brought lots of fresh food--giant fuji apples etc, so then I needed both my Ursacks...another 1/2 pound...You know the story. It starts to add up.
Next time I'll pack ruthlessly like I'm backpacking.
re: SoloStove I think that it's probably the best all-round mini twig stove that is widely available. I've got the MKettle, like a mini Kelly Kettle, but it's too small to get a proper draft going quickly, and it's top heavy like all the ghillie / kelly kettles. The big Ghillie is a powerhouse treat, but heavy for a solo trip. Bonus: The solo stove can hold a Trangia alcohol stove within it and serve as a windshield..I find the best height is achieved by putting the Trangia stove on top of the Trangia simmer lid.
If I had known it was going to be so good, I would have supported the Canadian business, saved weight, and bought the original Bushbuddy Ultralight model instead of the slightly heavier American-Chinese clone; but it was twice the price and I didn't want to risk it at the time.