Rain Lake Fishing

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Posted by camaican
7/20/2016 2:55 pm

Hi all,

I am an experienced fisher heading to Rain Lake for a week. Just wonder where I should concentrate my fishing efforts..i have fly rods, spinning rods, and depth finder

Canoe Trolling for Brook Trout ~ 20-30ft down?
Casting for brookies with spinners?
Canoe Trolling for Lake Trout ~ 50-60ft down?
Dont wast time trolling and fish for bass?

Also Rain lake vs Sawyer Lake?

Thank you for any and all information!


Here fishy fishy....
Posted by RobW
7/20/2016 3:15 pm

Rain is labeled as having Lakers and Smallmouth. You are right that the Lakers will be deep. Given the relatively hot weather we've been having they will probably not be too active - even down deep they seem to get less active. If you're already set up to fish deep, then it would be worth a shot but if you really just want to catch some fish then I'd go for the bass. 


Posted by DanPM
7/21/2016 7:39 am

I don't think there are brook trout in Rain Lake -- probably destroyed in the early 20th century by bass introduction -- but trolling 20-30 feet down should be enough for lake trout.

If you're willing to do a little portaging, my impression is that McCraney would be better for lake trout (and maybe a few brook trout), while Islet and Jubilee would be better for bass. The portage to McCraney is flat and wide so don't be too intimidated by the length.

Posted by spicol
7/21/2016 8:35 am

Haven't fished it but the scuttlebutt has it that Hot Lake (SE of Rain) is aptly named when it comes to bass.

Posted by camaican
8/01/2016 1:02 pm

Ended up going to Hot Lake for smallies and crushed it. Using Rapala's we landed over 40 and kept a few for the skillet. Unfortunately, every single fish was infected with the "Yellow Grub" parasite and the flesh looked very unappetizing. Every Single one! 
The parasite is called Clinostomum marginatum or The "Yellow Grub" 
what it looks like

we still had a great time, thanks for the info spicol!

Here fishy fishy....
Posted by Andy W
8/01/2016 4:51 pm

spicol wrote:

Haven't fished it but the scuttlebutt has it that Hot Lake (SE of Rain) is aptly named when it comes to bass.

I would agree from 1st hand experience-if you enjoy catching bass - make a day trip up there for a lot of fun - nothing big but plenty of action <edit> we were there a few years ago and didn't keep any to eat so I can't comment how long this parasite has been in the fish population

Last edited by Andy W (8/01/2016 4:57 pm)

Posted by spicol
8/02/2016 10:09 am

Glad the fishing was good but sorry to hear about dinner. That's disappointing.


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