White Partridge via the cart trail from the spur

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Posted by Raton_Laveur
5/03/2023 7:19 pm

Ingress and Egress would be via the cart trail .
I’ve biked it before and that’s an option
If the road is passable and assuming I can figure
out a better ncanoe bike trailer 😁
But was also thinking  about the option of Ingress via horse and wagon .

Has anybody done the cart trail to WP recently ?

Last I heard the road was blocked from fallen trees after
a huge storm  and was  impassable but that was many many
years ago and I have been  focused  more  on  Big Trout 
or Welcome Lakes for  my go to fishing lakes the last
10 years.

Also wondering if any body knows if  a Wagon Ride option
into this lake is still allowed and if there are still  any known
persons doing such horse drawn wagon transport?

Contact info would  be appreciated  if you know of any
person doing these Wagon Rides still.

Thinking that as my tripping days wind down … there are a few lakes
that I would really like  to visit again and White Partridge ( plus North
Branch and Little Dickson as day trips plus maybe even WP creek to
the forks) are part of my bucket list. Big Trout is planned for 2023
as is   the Pen-> Welcome/Harry/Rence loop 

Has anybody  done the WP creek to the forks recently ?
How  are the alders , last time ( decades ago ) they were starting to
really over grow  the creek and likely now that means the creek is
impassable without a lot of impromptu portages ?

Tia for any answers to my questions

Last edited by Raton_Laveur (5/03/2023 7:45 pm)

Posted by SeekingSolitude
5/08/2023 2:26 pm

Sorry can't directly answer your questions of going to WP recently or ever, but I do feel you, with you wanting to extend the tripping days. I'm kinda in the same "boat"...

This is probably unconventional, but similar to your thoughts, there is no question you need to deal with portages to get to prime fishing spots.

So my strategy with long portages (cartable) is I bought the Oru Lake folding kayak, only 18lbs. Also doesn't break the bank account like a carbon pack boat. I also bought a second hand bicycle chariot off kijiji, also folding, and it has much bigger wheels than your traditional canoe cart, so should deal with the off road terrain much better. The bicycle chariot also has handles to push it, which is my plan rather than bike with it. Just load up the gear & folding kayak, and tame those long portages that keep the mortal humans away...

Anyhow that is the plan starting this year, haven't even got the kayak in the water yet as I got it end of season last year off their Kickstarter deal.

If you're interested, let me know and I can give an update on this strategy.

Obviously if you're going to be doing a lot of paddling, this is not going to be ideal, but if you're doing a lot of portaging, I think this will work well.


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