Rock Lake Firewood

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Posted by fitzroymike
9/09/2021 4:05 pm

Is burning deadfalls allowed at backcountry sites on on Rock Lake?

Posted by TripperMike
9/10/2021 6:39 am

Yes. The only area’s you’re expected to buy the mouldy park wood is at drive in/front country campgrounds.

Good like finding any decent amount of dead wood around those sites though.  Paddling the shorelines and collecting drift wood will be your best bet.

Posted by fitzroymike
9/10/2021 9:53 am


Posted by BarryB
9/10/2021 11:28 am

I recommend adhering to the LNT guidelines "If more substantial firewood is needed, it should be limited to dead-fallen trees located far beyond the sight of the campsite, privy or shoreline. Ragged, saw-amputated dead trees are definitely not part of the natural landscape!"

When it comes to drift-wood along the shores, I believe it's preferable to remove whole smaller pieces rather than amputating sections and leaving raw saw cuts visible from the water.


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