I'm planning a backcountry canoe trip with my son this summer, late July. He's 10, and he's all over the idea of fishing. That's great, except it has been 15 years since I was in the park, and even then, I hardly ever went fishing because it was something else to portage. I'd buy a license, then never pull the pole out for the whole trip. That was my other usual mode of operation. But that won't be the case with my son.
So, I'm figuring on collapsible poles, we'd do some casting or trolling. Small lures, things like Mepps spoons I guess. Makes no difference what we are fishing for, although I personally would find it pretty hilariously awesome to see him pull in a pike or something of substance, but hey, a six inch perch would make his day as well.
Really, the reason for the post is ok, we get our out-of-towner licenses, we bring legal tackle in, we catch a legal fish, and my boys wants it for dinner, which is awesome. What I do not remember is how to dispose of the carcass. The last thing I need is a big visitor ambling into camp smelling something and thinking that something would be my fishy hands in the tent or a carcass that I didn't dispose of legally or intelligently. Can you please remind me?
We are debating between two access areas - Magnetawan and the Booth Lake area. Any general suggestions are welcome beyond the how do I deal with a carcass question.
Thanks so much for your time -