That was terrific. A nice montage of a lot, and a good one to close the season with Usually I skip through those kinds of things, but not this one. This one hit me just right somehow. I miss being able to visit the park so much this year, guess I kind of needed to see something like that. Thanks -
Your chipmunk buddy who came up to your chair with that quick "come on, be a pal" look reminded me of my chipmunk encounter in ADK last month. I was sitting by the firepit, munching trailmix, and I heard a quick critter dashing toward me from behind. I figured it was a begging chipmunk, so I turned and said "you get outta here!" with a gruff voice. He took a right turn and dashed into the hollow of a standing birch tree to my right. I don't think he had any idea I was there, and I scared him half to death when I barked at him. He stood there motionless for several minutes sizing me up (I had my camera in my lap and got some great closeups of him from my chair) - then when he felt the coast was clear, he took off like a fuzzy little bullet, never to be seen again. They are very cute when they aren't digging a network of tunnels under your front porch or rummaging through your backpack.